Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"Conformity and Rebellion"

Linda sue Grimes article about “Harlem: A Dream Deferred.” By Langston Hughes goes into great detail about each line of the poem and its true meaning. I found this informative article at suite the genuine article.Literally.

At the beginning of the article Grimes states the theme of the poem. “Having to postpone one’s deepest desires can lead to destruction” (Grimes). She then goes on to explain how each stanza is a rhetorical question since they answer themselves. The first and second stanza uses similes and the last stanza uses a metaphor. In addition, Gimes tells how the poem employs rime and imagery. The body of the article states each stanza and its importance. For example, when Hughes states “Does it dry up like a raisin” Gimes tells how this statement is a good thing. A raisin is already dry. This is what makes it great and nutritional. Grimes sums up the article by repeating this process with each stanza.

I agree with Linda Sue Grimes summary and think she did a great job at explaining “Harlem: A Dream Deferred” By Langston Hughes. She emphasized each simile and metaphor. In addition, she broke down each stanza and brought out Hughes intended meaning. At the end of the article Gimes states that the meaning of the last stanza “or does it explode?” means the dreams are shattered. I disagree with this I think that the real meaning is that the dreams explode into something positive, not something negative like death.

Grimes, Linda Sue. "Hughes’ Harlem-A Dream Deferred". Literally.01 Feb, 2009. 25 March 2009. <

"Conformity and Rebellion"

by Langston Hughes

This poem is about what happens to an unfinished dream. The author asks if it dries up or festers or just sags like a heavy load. This poem caught my attention because it was easy to understand. The author compared simple things like a raisin in the sun, instead of something that would be harder to invision. I also liked how the poem ended in a question "Or does it explode." This left me, like many other readers, wondering and thinking about the poem long after it was read.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Annotated Webliography

Grimes, Linda sue. Housman’s sage advice “when I was one-and-twenty”: 25 Oct. 2009. 4 March 2009 < >

Grimes begins the article by explaining the poems rimed stanzas and time scheme. She then goes on to explain the first stanza. She talks about each line and describes it so it can be easily understood. She describes the line “Give crowns and pounds and guineas/but not your heart away” she also describes the line about rubies and pearls. Gimes then quotes “but I was one-and-twenty no use to talk to me” she tells how most young people don’t take advice from others because they would rather find out things on their own. She finishes the article by explaining that the speaker did have regrets about not taking the advice once given to him.

I feel that this is a valued source. Linda sue Grimes does a great job at breaking down the poem and helping explain it so the readers will understand it better. She took numerous quotes from the poem and briefly stated their meanings. This site also listed links to other poems by Housman. I think this was a great finishing touch because it gives the readers easy access to explore other poems that may interest them.

“When I was one-and-twenty (Themes)”: 1995. 4 March 2009 < >

This article is about the poem “when I was one-and-twenty”. It gives a summary about the poem and its meaning. It doesn’t give just one meaning of the poems lines it gives several. A poem can be interpreted in many different ways and this article shows that. For example, in the first paragraph the author gives two reasons why the young man did not take the advice given to him, since there is no real evidence of why the young man did not take the advice. The article continues like this until it has reached the ending of the poem. The article then gives topics for further study about the poem, while given some facts about. The article ends with “Media Adaptations”, links to different sites that have poems written by Houseman and others.

I think this article is in deed a valued source. The author summarized the poem while describing each line and given several different point of view. This article also gives helpful study tips about this particular poem. It also includes some of the poems history and facts about when it was published.

Gale. Exploring poetry. Poets Corner. “Explanation: when I was One-and-Twenty”:1997. 4 March 2009< >

This article has taken the lines of the poem and broken them up into groups. They start with lines 1-4. They tell how the speaker was warned by a wise old man to not give his heart away. They go into detail about what a “wise old man” is considered to be. It goes on to talk about lines 5-6. The writer of the article continues to talk about what the wise old man had said to the speaker. They go into detail about each quote the wise old man had warned the speaker about. Next, the article explains lines 7 & 8. In these lines the speak tells how when he was one-and-twenty he did not listen to any advice given to him. Lines 9-14 the writer of the article speaks of how the young man did not take the wise old man’s advice and its consequences. It also goes into more detail about the true meaning of the statements “fancy free” and “endless rue”. In the final two lines, 15-16 the speaker tells of how he is now one year old and understands what the wise of man was trying to tell him. He regrets his decision because it caused him pain and sorrow. The article quotes “oh tis true tis true” and explains that Housman’s reason for repeating these words is to show the intensity of his regrets.

I felt this article was very helpful in explaining the true meaning of Housman’s “When I Was One-and-Twenty” It talked about each line of the poem and gave detail about its meaning. It also had links at the end of each paragraph that would lead you back to that particular part of the poem. It made it easier to refer back and compare the actual lines with the article.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"When I Was One-and-Twenty" by Housman

When I was one-and twenty is a poem about someone who was one-and-twenty (21 years old). They were given advise from a wise old man. The wise old man said you can give away your riches but dont give away your heart. They felt they knew everything, they were one-and-twenty! They choose not to listen to the wise old man and now at two-and-twenty, they have regrets. They wish they hadn't been so subborn and took the advise given to them.

This poem grabbed my attention because as a young, going on twenty, year old girl I feel as if I don't need anybodys advise or help. I know there are many things in life I dont know about but feel as if I can figure them out on my own. There are things in my past that I was warned about and now wish I would of done as Iwas told. Its too late now, just like the person in the poem you can't take back what is done. I feel as if i can relate to this peom, which is why i choose it.

Monday, February 23, 2009

"Innocence and Experience"

"Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne

What purpose do Faith’s pink ribbons serve?

  • Faiths pink ribbons stand for innocence. She represents Goodman Browns religious faith and the faith that he has in others. “Then God bless you!” said Faith, with her pink ribbons (Hawthorne 82);

"The Lesson" by Toni Cade Bamara

What are Sylvia’s outstanding traits? How are they reflected in her language and in her description of her neighborhood?
  • Bamara does not explain any of Sylvia’s traits or anything personal about her. From her language and description of her neighborhood I can assume that she lives in the ghetto, is not well mannered and is under educated. “ And we kinda hated her too, hated the way we did the winos who cluttered up our parks and pissed on our handball walls and stank up our hallways and stairs” (Bambara 136).

"The House on Mange Street" by Sandra Cisneros

Why did the family have to leave the flat on Loomis Street so fast?

  • The family had to leave there house on Loomis Street so quickly because their pipes busted and the house was so old the landlord refused to fix them. “ We had to leave fast. We were using the washroom next door and carrying water over in empty milk gallons” (Cisneros 147).

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"Exploring Drama"

1) How does the play begin?

  • Just like anything else you can’t understand the ending without knowing the beginning.

The above question is quoted from the following source:
Abcarian, Richard and Marvin Klotz. Literature: TheBulleted List Human Experience, Reading and writing. 9th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. 2007:29

2) What is the plays theme?

  • A theme has a humongous role in plays. It’s very important that each viewer understands what it is. Plays don’t have the highly computerized graphics as television shows and movies, so they have to depend on plots, settings, themes and characters to bring action to the stage. Along with few props the characters would be useless without a theme to bring it all to life.

The above question is quoted from the following source:
Abcarian, Richard and Marvin Klotz. Literature: The Human Experience, Reading and writing. 9th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. 2007:30

"Exploring Poetry"

1) Does the poem have a setting?

  • Knowing if and what the setting of a poem is can help the reader to better visualize and understand the authors true meaning.

The above question is quoted from the following source:
Abcarian, Richard and Marvin Klotz. Literature: The Human Experience, Reading and writing. 9th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. 2007:18

2) From what perspective is the speaker describing specific events?

  • Knowing the perspective (or point of view) of the author helps the reader to understand more of where the poem is coming from and makes it easier to imagine the events that are taking place.

The above question is quoted from the following source:
Abcarian, Richard and Marvin Klotz. Literature: The Human Experience, Reading and writing. 9th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. 2007:18